In the future I will jot down any ideas I can potentially post about to make this process a little easier and less awkward. In the meantime - climbing baby!!!
Monday, February 28, 2011
The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
It's funny how this blogging (and my brain) work. I can frequently come up with interesting - to my mind at least - and irreverent things that I SHOULD be blogging about but then when push comes to shove and I want to actually post something....nothing happens. I can't come up with the slightest bit of interesting material. So I go back to old faithful - Jack! Here's jack climbing onto the exercise bike without a safety harness. Please don't let child protective services see this.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Oh, Sweet Baby Jesus

I am not even sure what to say about this Charlie Sheen interview other than read it...should be called "Portrait of a Dying Man". The Superficial says its the "GREATEST INTERVIEW YOU WILL EVER READ IN YOUR LIFE"...the all caps are theirs.
What the French call a certain... I don't know what
Hello *again* World!

Here's how it goes: every time I open my Google Chrome browser (plug: best web browser around hands down) I see the bookmark for my on-again, off-again blog. It taunts me - much like the exercise bike in our bedroom. It reminds me that "hey, i'm right here. ready for more words and typing and stuff. it's easy. just think of something then type it". Taunting, constantly. So we could go two ways with this:
- delete it because frankly it's the proverbial tree falling in the woods at this point, or...
- start posting REGULARLY again.
So, I've decided to channel my inner Brett Farve (no, there won't be pictures of my junk) and un-retire from blogging for the 3rd (or 4th, or 5th time?).
(Brett thought bubble on the relaunch of Ben's blog:
"Sweet Jesus, more self-aggrandizing from this d-head")
Consider this the shot across the bow letting the world (my mom, really) know the blog is back - at least for another week or two. I even "rebooted" the look of the site so it feels fresh and more 2011 than 2009 - a MIGHTY improvement if I do say so myself. I feel fresher already! Do you?!?!?!
Watch this space for more awesome coming soon.
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