Yesterday was a big day for us. First, we took JJ to his first "non-family" outing, a BBQ put on by our friends/neighbors Audrey and Phillip. As a side note, when I say BBQ I don't mean somebody schlepping around the back yard, firing up the Weber or gas powered grill. I mean out of this world Santa Maria style BBQ cooked over oak. Check out the Santa Maria visitor information website. It's amazing stuff.
Anyway, JJ got there and slept the entire time in his car seat. He's still boring. But the good news is that I think we can bring him into public venues with friends and not worry about him freaking out! In his defense though he only has meltdowns when he's a) hungry, b) gassy or c) not hungry but wants something to suck on be it finger or his "paci". We've figured him out, for now....
Stewie had more fun than anybody running around the yard and playing with Coco the dog. If there is a cuter dog than Stewie please show me. I don't buy it.
Stewie is still having issues with JJ in that he's no longer the center of attention. He acts out by grabbing the toilet paper and running as far as he can then shredding as much of is as possible until Ally or I stops him. We need to work on leaving the bathroom doors closed. That's our bad.
He also doesn't like his new sleeping pattern or the baby screaming. He has a new look that he uses...it's a look of annoyance. I didn't know dogs could project annoyance but Stewie seems to have it down pat!
I got off topic...Anyway, yesterday was a big day not only because we have killer BBQ but because I got to feed JJ for the first time out of the bottle. It was really amazing and I can't wait to do it agian when I get home. He took right to it, like he's being doing it all along and polished it off in no time flat...then spit up on me a few times but it was all worth it! I really can't explain how great it was, but those of you who have done it before know what I mean. Pretty amazing stuff.
Ally wants me to talk to the baby, but I am not sure what to talk to him about so I end up touching different parts of his body then saying what they are called in both english and spanish. 4 years of spanish and that's all I know. Any ideas? I also tried to tell him the story of Star Wars but that seems to scare him...maybe need to lay off the light saber noises? It was a little concerning that it scared him. I am going to try telling him the Godfather tonight.
One more thing we (I) learned about JJ. Don't watch a Led Zeppelin concert film when trying to put him down. He really liked the music, especially Misty Mountain Hop, but something about the flashing strobes and other visuals (possibly Robert Plant with painted on jeans and shirt open?) seem to bother him. The moral to the story is point him away from the TV during a Led Zeppelin concert film and he enjoys it just fine. Point him towards the TV, shrieking baby. Who knew? I just hope I didn't cause permanent damage.
It's been brought to my attention that I need to post more and I will try. I will also try to add more video but he really doesn't do anything yet. Really.
In the meantime, enjoy. Happy Monday!
Personally, I'm not believing that you haven't told Jack the "Sound of Music" story yet. You can leave out the political sidebars and focus on Julie Andrews madly twirling on the Austrian mountaintop--possibly a demonstration, Daddy? I think THAT would bring a smile to his beautiful little face!! Well, we'll SEE what kind of a music lover he REALLY is when I bring down "Barry Manilow's Greatest Hits" and the soundtrack from "Mamma Mia" --Broadway version, please. We don't want to "Pierce" his baby eardrums! Keep the posts coming xo
Thanks for posting...we love hearing your perspective. I especially enjoyed hearing about the feeding thing. That's awesome.
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