As I've mentioned before Stewie has had some issues with JJ the last 6 weeks. Mainly because JJ is cramping his style and stealing some of Stewie's spotlight. Stewie is nothing if not a princess and needs things his way. Yes, he's a dog.
Well the last week or so he has warmed up a bit to the little guy.
They share meals (Stewie licks up JJ's spit up)...
Stewie helps JJ take a bath (Stewie licks the water off JJ, probably because he's thirsty)...
Most importantly Stewie helps change JJ (he mainly sniffs the dirty diapers and rarely tries to eat the poo)...
Allyson tells me today, and this is so cute, JJ spit up, so what did Stewie do? He spit up too...on the couch...awesome! We are a special family.
However one thing that hasn't changed is Stewie's disdain for JJ's late night wailing jags. Stewie still hates these. I guess the point I am trying to make is that Stewie is warming up to JJ but still doesn't share he toys with him and totally belives that all JJ's toys are his. I also needed a reason to post those pictures of the brothers together.
On a COMPLETELY unrelated note; that 4x100 relay last night the US team turned in was amazing. I know the announcers did a good job explaining how improbable that comeback was but I am not sure people who don't "understand" swimming as a sport (not something you do in your backyard) really get. These swimmers can pretty much predict what they are going to swin on a given night based upon previous swims and how they've trained. There are variables such as the pool and other things but all told they know how they are going to perform. The swim by Lezak last night was simply unbelieveable and borderline impossible. Not improbable...impossible. Amazing.
Here's the
link (just install the program it asks you to'll use it again). Watching it again. Ally cries when she sees it. I get the chills. Listen to the annoucers. They weren't trying to create drama. They were speaking the truth. On paper there was no reason the US should have won that race. Amazing.