Honestly, i'm not too sure. I just haven't posted in a couple of weeks. We were out of town last weekend. JJ went on his first car trip and was a trooper. He only cried (wailed) when he was ready to eat but once he was done went back to sleep until it was time to eat again. I assume it's going to get worse as he gets older and starts talking (are we there yet? I have to pee. etc...). For now, he was awesome. The wedding was nice but to be honest I am pretty glad it's the last one for a while. I looked good >>>>>
Oh, Ally looked nice too. :-) The wedding was another of Ally's sorority sisters. All told all but one is hitched. I do have to say part of me is sad because the girls all have great husbands and we all have a great time together (read: get drunk). Here's pic of the ladies. The girl in white, Jenny, is who got hitched. In case you were wondering. I think Ally is the prettiest!
Grandma and Grandpa came over from Gilroy to watch JJ during the events so it was a win win for all involved. I'm sure they didn't mind spending time with the little guy.
JJ had his 6-week birthday yesterday. He's getting quite big: 11lb9oz and 23 inches as of Wednesday. He's also starting to hold his head up more frequently and the most exciting part is he is sleeping 5 to 5.5 hours straight at night! I can't function on 5 hours of sleep! This is JJ as of 10 minutes ago...
Poor kid doesn't have a chance in that A's onesie. I am sure he'll choose his own team (as long as they aren't the Angels, Red Sox, Yankees, Patriots or Lakers among others). Or he might not even like sports...HAHAHA.
Until next time...
Jack, Pa and I were pretty darned excited to be a part of Mommy and Daddy's first outing since you came into their lives. They DID look very beautiful/handsome, but we think they are a beautiful couple, dressed up or not.
You look so cute in the A's onsie and it seems they can use all the help you can lend them. Pa wants to know when we'll see you in the Giants orange and black....when they go to the World Series?????
Just about the cutest little guy ever!! Jack, you make everyone so happy and when you wear the Giants tees...(onsies) you are even more endearing to your Pa and Grandpa, right?
All in all, it looked as though your folks enjoyed a beautiful day and looked extremely elegant and happy! And why not?? They have you to pick up afterwards and be a part of their lives!
Also, I cannot believe how adorable Stewie is with you, Jack! And visa versa...you already have formed a "bond" with him that nobody can break!
Love to you all! Aunt Adelle
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