Operation "Keep the Baby Up Longer and Feed Him Later So Mom and Dad Don't Lose Their Freaking Minds from Lack of Sleep" went very well it's first night.
As the "code name" would indicate, we kept the baby up longer and fed him later and son of a gun if he didn't sleep from 9pm through to 6am. He did stir a bit throughout the night but stayed asleep for the most part.
Now, this is only one night so we aren't going to throw a victory party quite yet. However, we are going to keep on doing what we're doing and see if it keeps working.
On another note, it's amazing that outsmarting a 11 week old baby can make a person feel so satisfied. He's 11 weeks old. What's it going to feel like when I outsmart him as a teenager? Will it be less satisfying? Probably. I have a theory on that but can't really articulate it right now...probably still tired.
By the way, there is no good information in "baby books". Save your money and spend it on diapers.
You are hilarious. So glad last night went well for you guys. And you're right...most of the time the books don't help. They just give you, yet another thing, that you feel like you HAVE to do as a parent.
Your instincts are good ones....just more of a "common sense" thing, don't you think? He was "done sleeping" when he woke up at 4AM; now everyone will be happy with a bit more sleep.
WOO HOO!! xoxox way to go, Jackie!
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