Other Interesting Stuff

Friday, September 19, 2008

More Sleep and Baby Toupee's

I guess the little dude has a new sleeping regimen. We are happy and well rested...until he starts having trouble sleeping because of teeth coming in or something else. I find (like billions of parents before me) that once you get through one thing another thing pops up that needs to be dealt with.

On another note I am starting to get concerned that he hasn't shed his "baby mullet". I figured by this point he would start getting hair on top to go with the party in the back but so far that's not been the case. I mean he's grown a little but nothing compared to the shrub draping the back of his head and neck. I am starting to think "Baby Toupee".

The attached Baby Toupee called "The Donald" after the man who inspired the look, Donald Trump. There are others but I was really drawn to this one.

We are going to give it another month and if there hasn't been progress in hair growth it's Baby Toupee time! Have a look at the before and after shots...

BEFORE (notice difference between mullet and rest of head)

AFTER (notice fullness and body in hair)


Erin said...

Ha, ha, ha. That's awesome. I was concerned about my GIRL'S dome, then when she started growing her hair in, I started to lose mine. Fricken' hormones!

Also, you are so right about the routine thing. Just when all is going smoothly, your baby completely changes and you have to get to know your child all over again.

VickiCampy said...

Well, he definitely has the Grandpa Mazzeo sized head; maybe he has the hairline to go with it!! NOT!! With the head of hair that you and Ally have, he can't miss! xoxo

Adelle said...


The Donald....is too much!

I feel any baby's pain in the early stages of hair development and loss....

You "FULL HEADS" would not understand the plight of The Donald and myself!!

I have also read where people with great hair are always more confident in life...The correlation should not make sense, but unfortunately for the FALLING FOLLICULE group, It seems to be a bit true!

Anyway, back to Jack!...Adorable and loved..!

Ben, keep this story going........
a GREAT read!!