Other Interesting Stuff

Saturday, November 15, 2008

JJ Videos

Actually, I thought posting some new videos of JJ would be easier than doing a full entry.  Not so much.  Took much longer.  Funny how things work out.

Below are two new videos featuring JJ.  He is doing many more things these days including "Eating" oatmeal (some of it gets eaten) and "Protesting": showing us he's not interested in what we are selling.  

He is also doing his best to try to crawl.  He's got the idea but can't put it all together.  I will try to capture that on video but it's like an elusive creature in the wild: you never know when your going to see it but you know you always have to be ready.  Not sure where I was going there...

Without further ado...



1 comment:

VickiCampy said...

We were both reaching for the screen to hold Jax hands down while you were trying to feed him, Ally! He is a VERY active eater--likes his food just like his great grandpa!!! He managed to have the food EVERYwhere!! He is getting sooooo big and oh so vocal!
We miss you, Jack! xoxoxo