Holiday Greetings to the 4 of you who read this blog...
So, not only is the mall Santa a little creepy (IMHO) but i believe it would be behoove everyone if he sanitized his hands after every child. How many germs must this man come into contact with in a given day? Gross. BAH HUMBUG!
Ok, with that all out of my system Ally and I are happy to present Jack's first pictures with Santa. He smiles ALL THE TIME at home but we had a lot of trouble getting him to smiles for Santa. Without further ado our beautiful child and creepy, germy mall Santa...
Ok, with that all out of my system Ally and I are happy to present Jack's first pictures with Santa. He smiles ALL THE TIME at home but we had a lot of trouble getting him to smiles for Santa. Without further ado our beautiful child and creepy, germy mall Santa...

Jack, wait til you see pictures of your Daddy sitting on the Easter Bunny's lap--not that long ago! Just look what you have to look forward to! xoxo
Hey, my thinking is if he didn't cry his head off, being on creepy germy Mall Santa, then all is well!
He has got some smirking going on, just for you and mom!
He is just simply edible!...
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