Editors Note: My first semi-political social commentary...Proceed with caution
I heard on the radio this morning that an "exclusive" picture of Cruise and Holmes baby is fetching upwards of 1/2 a million bucks from such bastions of media like the Enquirer an the Star. That brought up a few questions:
1) How long before Cruise and his brain-washed bride settle with one of the books, guessing People, to allow them to take the exclusive pictures? I know this isn't unprecedented since most celebrity couples sell their wedding pictures to the highest bidder. Why not sell baby pictures and, here's an idea, give the money to CHARITY! Talk about a positive PR story. Will it happen? Who knows. Think of the ramifications. All of the world is waiting to see the pictures of baby Surrey (named after the border town in Canada?) so why not deliver pictures of baby, mom and dad with a little story. When the story comes out L Ron Hubbard, or whoever is doing PR for the couple, sends out a release saying all proceeds from sales of the pictures go to the "Ronald McDonald House" in Calabasas or whatever. Then all the celebrity worshipping drones may be empowered to throw some love to the McDonald's charity "cause Tom and Katie did it" and everybody wins! In a perfect world. This is not a perfect world as you will see...
2) When does Mission Impossible 3 come out? May 5. I bet they are pissed at Katie for popping that baby out about two weeks too early. If only they could create the synergy of a movie AND baby release day and date. WOW! But, 2 weeks isn't bad. That's not too far out to start the pre-buzz. I saw the first commercial last night during Alias. Come to think of it things are lining up nicely to have the buzz ready a crecendo by May 5. If I were a betting man I would put money on the fact that the baby pictures will arrive about 1 week prior to the street date for MI3. That will be followed shortly by a 1 hour Barbara Walters special at the Cruise Compound with Tom, Katie and baby Surrey. That will be Wednesday May 3, two days before you can visit your local Googleplex to see the movie.
3) It's sad what happened to Katie Holmes.
4) All that said, WHO THE F CARES! I mean seriously! It's a sad commentary on society when the two biggest stories of the day are this baby (don't' forget Brooke Shields new baby) and American Idol results. I guess all the worlds problems have been solved so we can focus on lighter fare. Wait, that's not true. The truth is things are so bad that all people want is to escape from the "war" in Iraq, the potential war in Iran, China (Aren't they still oppressive communists? Don't we as Americans despise communism? Hu was at the White House. When is Castro coming to the White House since we are all about embracing communists now. Wait, we don't owe billions of dollars to Cuba.) so the news focuses on non-threatening items such as these. The news media is a joke owned by corporate America and the White House. That's topic for another day when I have more time and am feeling more feisty. I am getting off topic now.
My point is this. It's a sad commentary on society that we care more about irrelevant minutiae than events happening that affect our day to day live and the future of society. What is the world going to be like for our kids? I don't know but I do know that Ace got booted from Idol, celebrities are having babies, Paris Hilton is a no-talent trollop and Katie Couric is going to CBS to anchor the evening news (one more topic for another day). Keep this in mind; Cruise baby is not the second coming of Christ, at least not in my religion.
I feel better now...
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