This may well be one of the shortest posts I ever make.
Today is Opening Day. I love opening day. Anything is possible.
More than anything I am overwhelmingly excited about the chances of the Oakland Athletics Baseball Club. A close second is the start of Fantasy Baseball. I always thought fantasy baseball was for nerds. Turns out I am a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge nerd. Third, I am very fired up for HD baseball on ESPN and ESPN2 HD! Finally, I look forward every year to seeing Barry Zito's lady hips. What a strange phenomenon they are.
Oh, and can we please not talk about steroids today? Please? Miller/Morgan/Gammons (God) talked about it ad naseum last night. Let's just talked about the players and the teams. Not Barry Bonds and what performance enhancer he used.
Finally, even if Frank Thomas doesn't play 100 games for the A's this year, if he can help the young guys develop into better hitters the signing will be a big win. Ask Nick Swisher.
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