Tuesday Morning Random Thoughts

- UCLA cost me $190. A UCLA win and I finish second in the office pool. They lose, I lose. I have always hated UCLA. FUCLA.
- I stopped watching at 1/2 time, tuned into the A's game just in time to see A-Rod hit a "no-doubter" grand slam off Lady Hips.
- Barry "Lady Hips" Zito was awful yesterday. He is Mr. Bigglesworth to the Yankees Dr. Evil. He needs to figure that out because it's likely any road to the World Series goes through the Bronx. It was a painful performance not only as an A's fan but as a guy who has Zito on his fantasy team.
- Speaking of fantasy teams. Yesterday was one of my worst fantasy days on record. It's only day 1, but I am not optimistic.
- Speaking of optimism. Frank Thomas' first at bat yesterday was a thing of beauty. He took some borderline pitches that were balls because he's Frank Thomas (same pitches were called strikes to guys like Swisher) and then deposited a pitch into the left field stands that he was basically fooled on. Please let his health hold up!
- Speaking of health. Everyone is sick around here. Allyson is worried she is going to get sick. I haven't been sick since 1996. Not getting sick this year.
- Changing gears a little bit since my mother asked this blog not revolve around sports. Allyson and I are hooked on Big Love the HBO series about a polygamist family in Utah. It's a guilty pleasure for sure. HBO always tackles issues others wont and turn out great product after great product. Big Love is well acted, well written and frankly a guilty pleasure providing a look at something you don't hear or read too much about: polygamy.
- Speaking of HBO, Deadwood and Entourage come back in a couple of months. Right as Big Love ends. I would pay $20 a month for HBO. Maybe $30.
- My life revolves around the television, doesn't it.
- Speaking of TV, new Scrubs tonight at 9p. Sorry Adam, but Scrubs is the funniest show on television. The Office is the funniest/most uncomfortable. Two different categories.
- Oh, as if the sports mishaps yesterday weren't enough, APPARENTLY somebody swiped Ally's credit card and made a bunch of charges in Kiev. When called by the bank fraud department they asked if Ally had been in Kiev. My response: "I don't think either of us know where Kiev is." Long story short, we are not on the hook for the $3000 they charged up at assorted clothing stores around the Kiev metropolitan area. Awesome. This was how our day started.
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