Other Interesting Stuff

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sleep Update

The child woke up twice last night:

1) He ended up on his back - GOD FORBID JJ SHOULD HAVE TO SLEEP ON HIS BACK - so Ally went in and put him back on his side. We use the little sleep positioners to keep him in place but as mentioned before he's a strong and determined little guy. Ally tightened up the sleep positioner deal, put him back and was right back to sleep. So you know, JJ doesn't like sleeping on his back because his little brain isn't smart enough yet to figure out how to get hand to mouth to sooth himself. On his stomach - no problem. On his side - not easy, but he makes it work.

2) Normal feeding. He slept about 5 hours straight (excluding when he was awaken by his re-positioning to his back) before he needed to eat. He then went back to sleep for another 5 hours.

We, but mainly Ally, needed last night.


VickiCampy said...

Good news!He's going to keep you guessing, for sure! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I love hearing your sweet stories and "blog" of and about your little guy!....He just seems already wise, you know what I mean? It's like he knows just what he is doing!

Look out...It's good, but really challenging when you have a smart kid on your hands!....More good than not!.

Aunt Adelle smooches, Jackie!