Other Interesting Stuff

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Upon Further Review: A Second Chance for Brian

So, I thought I would watch episode two in order to see if they were able to right any of the issues with the first one. Let me be honest; I really wanted to like this show. I really did. I watched the second show with much lower expectations. Episode 2 didn't even meet my lessened expectations. It was more of the same. Let's go bullet points for this one:

  • The philandering wife is going to be a recurring and annoying theme. Here is what gets me. That dude, her husband, is the luckiest man alive that it only took her 13 years to decide to go outside the marriage for lovin. Look at her. Then look at him. I think i've made my point.
  • It's really hard to feel sorry for Brian. He "hooked up" with 2 different girls last night yet at the end of the episode he was all sad in bed with his mangy dog and chinese food. Come on man. Find some new friends who aren't married and suddenly your life won't seem so incomplete. SINGLE FRIENDS BRIAN!
  • The dialogue tries WAY too hard to be smart and witty and is successful at neither.
  • The great music from the first show was replaced by a bunch of no-name soft rock in episode 2. I am guessing they blew their music budget getting those big name songs for the first show to wow guys like me. Either way, I should have seen it coming.
  • They can't call Brian's lady suitors by their name. Always has to be descriptive word "girl". Like "Car Girl" from the first episode 1 and "Bathroom Girl" from episode 2. Try harder.
  • The recurring, "I love my best friend's girl" theme is lame and done to death. Further proof Brian needs new friends. Stop hanging out with the girl you are in love with and her fiancee who happens to be your best friend.
  • The Rosanna Arquette character feels out of place. She's also kinda freaky looking.
In closing, it's hard to feel sorry for this Brian. It's really hard to feel anything for Brian other than anger because he is a bit of a tool who needs to understand hanging out with married people as a perpetual single guy is a nasty hang. Don't do it. Yet, they've made an entire show out of this concept. I can't imagine people will keep tuning in. I know I won't as much as I really want to... Maybe I am no better than Brian. I know I shouldn't want to watch, much like Brian shouldn't want his best friend's girl, but I keep coming back for more. Maybe, like Brian, I am a gultton for punishment. Interesting.

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